

Created by Leder Games

Arcs is a fast-playing science fiction game from Cole Wehrle, Kyle Ferrin, and the award-winning team that brought you Root and Oath.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Design Update, Print and Play Delayed, and Design Stream Today
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 07:44:47 AM

Dear Backers,

Hello! It’s been a bit. Sorry about that. Normally, we wait a few months post-campaign before we start doing regular campaign updates. That’s mostly because the work immediately after a Kickstarter tends to be more mundane. This period was a little more extended in Arcs’s case because we had to negotiate a very big office move which took the better part of July and that bled into a busy month of travel in August (Gen Con). This has put us a little behind in our general schedule on Arcs, but it’s nothing dramatic and is indeed already accounted for in our back end planning.

The good news is that Arcs is moving along really nicely. The base game box is nearing design lock. There will be some months of development and fine-tuning ahead for us, but it’s stabilizing nicely. While this is happening, we’ve also been spending a lot of time getting the game's art and graphics up to our standards and making sure we attend to every little detail. For instance, as the game’s setting has become more fully realized, we’ve been adjusting the aesthetic cues on the different game elements.

For instance, we’ve done a pretty big stylistic shift on the action cards:

In some cases, these adjustments are limited to changes in artwork. At other times, we’ve been looking at making larger modifications to the game’s physical production. These changes are more complex, since they involve re-quoting parts of the project with our printers and potentially seeing if we can put even more things in the box for you all. As an example, we’ve been exploring the possibility of swapping out the game’s punchboard buildings for wood. We haven’t finalized this decision yet—at lot will depend on the cost of the added wood, but it is something we are seriously considering.

And of course the design is being subject to the same rigors as the rest of the project! For the past few months, we’ve been working very hard on making the core engine of Arcs as robust as possible. Arcs has been an interesting project to work on for a lot of reasons, but one of the strangest things about it is the degree to which the campaign and single session game rely on one another. Generally, I will build out part of the campaign and then find that in practice the core system doesn’t quite allow for parts of it to work the way I want. So, I’ll go back to the core game and try to build out its expressiveness. This in turn will give me ideas for new plotlines, which I’ll then sew in when I go back to the campaign.

This can all feel a little circular, but there’s a ton of progress being made and the game is in the best shape it’s ever been in. As I mentioned at the start, I think there’s a good chance that the core engine is very close to feature-complete and that the work that remains is mostly development and content generation for the remaining few plotlines.

I think you’ll all see what I mean when you get a chance to play it. I had really hoped that we’d be able to share a new playtesting kit with you all, but we aren’t quite ready. There are just a few things that I want to vet a bit more and a couple of pieces of art and layout which, when you see them, I think will really give you a sense of how wonderful this thing is going to look.

By way of apology, I’ll be doing a design live stream today on the Leder Games twitch channel (2pm central US time) where I will talk through the current game and offer a pretty comprehensive look at everything that’s changed. I’m also happy to take your questions.

Then, within a week or two we’ll be updating the TTS mod and releasing a new print-and-play kit. I cannot wait for you to all play this thing. I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get to this point, but I think the wait will be worth it.

Questions or other Support Help?

Please email us at [email protected] for any questions or assistance. Please do not use the Kickstarter messaging system to contact us.

Pledge Manager Surveys and Smoke Test
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 12:55:47 AM

Hi everyone!

Please read the following on what the next steps are now that the Kickstarter funding campaign has ended. We will cover information on how to submit your order for your pledge, use the pledge manager system, and address any other FAQs regarding the campaign.

What’s Next?

The next step for backers is to wait for your Backerkit email invites to gain access to your account. You will have from now until the lockdown date to finalize any details pertaining to your order.

What is Backerkit and Why Does It Matter?

Backerkit is the name of the platform we will be utilizing to manage your pledge information. From Backerkit, you will be able to do the following:

  • Review your order information
  • Manage your shipping address
  • Add additional items to your order
  • Pay for shipping, any applicable taxes, and/or add-ons

Please note that outstanding balances will not be charged until the order lockdown date (Current estimate: Sept 2023).

The Smoke Test and Survey Emails

Today, we will be starting a "smoke test", where 5% of backers from our campaign will receive their Backerkit survey invites early. After allowing 48-72 hours to address any issues backers in the smoke test might come across, we will send email invites to the rest of the campaign by the end of next week.

Backers who are part of the smoke test will receive their survey invite within the next few hours. Once all surveys have been mailed, it may take a day or two before you receive it in your inbox. Please remember to check your spam folders.

If any backers part of the smoke test encounter any issues or erroneous pricing, please let us know at [email protected] and we'll look into it for correction!


If I’m not in the smoke test, when can I expect my survey email?

We expect all backers to receive their invites by Friday July 15, 2022. If you still have not seen any sign of your survey after July 15th, please email [email protected] and we can send your survey to you manually. Please remember to check spam folders.

When will you charge for shipping and/or add-ons?

We are currently estimating to charge credit cards for shipping costs and any add-ons in Sept 2023. The exact date will be specified at least two weeks ahead of time in an official Kickstarter update.

When will surveys be locked down? What does it mean?

When surveys are locked down, you will be prevented from editing the items in your order survey. The current lock down date is set for Sept 2023. The exact date will be specified at least two weeks ahead of time in an official Kickstarter update.

When is the last day I can change my shipping address?

We will send a 48 hour final address reminder roughly 1-2 months before we plan on starting fulfillment. This is so that we can forward addresses and order information to our shippers for early preparation.

How many copies can I pledge for?

Each backer is limited to a total of 5 copies of each product to a single address.

Will shipping costs increase if I add extra products?

Yes. Shipping costs may increase and will automatically recalculate shipping in your cart based on your order contents before checkout. To review our shipping costs again, you can refer to this link from our Kickstarter page.

Will I get multiple "More to Explore Packs" if I purchase multiple copies of Arcs?

Yes! Each copy of the Arcs base game will include one copy of the More to Explore pack.

Will I be able to switch pledge levels?

Yes! When you receive your survey, before accessing your pledge, there is a “switch your pledge level” option below the “Get Started!” button. From there, you’ll be able to upgrade or downgrade your pledge level between any of the different pledge levels. 

I'm a $1 backer. Why can't I add anything to my order?

In order to add items to your order,  switch your pledge level to a higher one in the initial screen. Please refer to the screenshot in the previous question on how to switch your pledge level. For reference, the pledge levels available are as follows:

  • Arcs - $60 USD Reward (Arcs + More to Explore Pack)
  • Arcs + Campaign Expansion - $100 USD Reward (Arcs + More to Explore Pack + Blighted Reach Campaign)
  • All-in - $150 USD Reward (Arcs + More to Explore Pack + Blighted Reach Campaign + Miniatures Pack)

I'm a $1 backer and don't want all of the items in the pledge levels. How can I make an order for the expansions but not the Arcs base game?

Please send us at email at [email protected] with the order contents you're looking for and we can help you create this order manually.

Can I add other Leder Games products with my Arcs pledge?

We’re unfortunately not combining shipping on any of our other products with this campaign to keep logistics as streamlined as possible.

If you are looking for any of our existing products, you can visit our webstore where we offer shipping to many of the same regions as our Kickstarter. 

When do you plan to ship?

Our current estimate is to ship pledges in December 2023. We’ll provide updates via Kickstarter updates if there is any change to this timeline.

What is the status for UK shipping?

We will be using a local UK shipper to fulfil Arcs in the UK. With this local shipper, we've happily been able to reduce the base shipping cost to the UK to $25USD. Sales VAT will still be collected in Backerkit but import VAT fees are no longer to be expected due to the local fulfillment.


If you are a retailer, please contact [email protected] for any questions and for ordering information. Please do not message our support email since we are currently backlogged in our general support inbox. Our dedicated sales manager is available to you and will generally respond within 3-5 business days.

Questions or other Support Help?

Please email us at [email protected] for any questions or assistance. Please do not use the Kickstarter messaging system to contact us.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 07:04:54 AM

We have reached the end! Arcs is now our most funded original title! Thank you very much everyone, your support means a great deal to all of us at Leder Games.

Cole recently pointed out to me that the company has grown in phases.  It started in my living room (or the nursery depending on the day), then Vandalia Tower, and then on to our current building. By the end of the month, we will be in our new larger space, in a less industrial area of Saint Paul. To me, this signals a new start to everything, it is time to build stronger than before.

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone on the team.

Cole Wehrle - I don’t know if I learned Cole was a fan of Twilight Imperium before he started working at Leder Games or a few minutes after he started working at Leder Games. He started with the second edition and the first edition was one of my first hobby games. We have less time for long games like that now that we both have families. Cole has spoken frequently about wanting to make a short space game. During the conversation about other titles he presented the idea of a three plot structure built directly into the game. Who would I be to say no to Cole on designing another masterpiece like Arcs?

None of this would exist without Cole. Not only has he handled the design, he has handled the art direction, project management, and helped pull together the campaign. Really all parts of the project have been directly influenced by Cole, letting me be hands off enough to work on other things around the studio. 

Thank you very much Cole!

Kyle Ferrin - Naturally we turned to Kyle to build the look and feel of the setting as Cole moved into the initial phases of the game. Yesterday he told me he is excited to get a card list and really flesh out the world. Thanks Kyle!

Josh Yearsley - Josh has worn many hats for this project. He has handled development, playtesting, usability playtesting, and coordinating external feedback. If you played the game on TTS or made a kit, a large part of the ease you got into the game was due to Josh Yearsley. Thanks Josh!

Nick Brachmann - Nick has been helping Cole with development as well as coordinating a lot of the in-studio playtesting, while balancing time on his own projects. Thanks Nick!

Pati Hyun - Has done a lot for the look and feel of Arcs, and will continue to as the game develops. The Kickstarter page and most of the marketing material you have seen is 100% Pati and we are grateful for her talent. Thanks Pati!

Clay Capra - Clay has been handling retail orders. They have been happening on a scale we haven’t seen before. Clay handled this so well, we didn’t hear a peep from him during the campaign. He even went on vacation. Come to think of it, has anyone checked up on Clay lately?

Brooke Nelson - The architect of our marketing strategy for this campaign. Brooke has been instrumental to all of our marketing efforts and all that you see before you. Thanks Brooke!

Caryl Tan - While everything else was going on during the campaign Caryl was still managing fulfillment for the Root: The Marauder campaign while tackling the support queue! Thanks Caryl!!!

Andrea Francisco- Half of our great customer support team, Andrea tackled the comments, messages, and requests to support. She also participated in Arcs playtesting. Thank you Andrea!

Claire Donaghue- Claire also covers support for us, and we thank her for the thoughtful responses to comments, messages, and requests during the campaign. Thank you Claire!

Ted Caya - Handled the books and dealt with moving and remodeling our new office. Without his weekly updates, we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves. Thanks Ted!

Let’s get the interns in here too!

Both of the interns did kit production and kept the studio kits up to date.

Alita Robertson - Alita has been showing up for a lot of playtests, including the public broadcast of the campaign game. Alita also has been my production assistant, building prototypes for my studio projects while the rest of the studio is busy. Thanks Alita!

Kayli Williams- Kayli made some of the ads for Arcs as well as supporting Pati with other non-Arcs tasks during the campaign! Thanks Kayli!

We brought in a few contractors for the Arcs campaign:

Cory Devore - Responsible for all of the miniature sculpting and all of the images you saw of the miniatures. Thanks Cory!

George Georgeadis - Built the wonderful header video for the KS page. Thanks George!

Rachael West and Rob Howard - Made the voice over for the video. Thank you Rachael and Rob!

In addition to thank yous, we also have a couple farewells …

Cal Oliverius - Our localization coordinator of the past year. Cal has decided to move on to become a project manager at a software company. Goodbye Cal, and thank you!

Marshall Britt - Marshall has been with the company for 4 years and has worn many hats as we moved through the years. He primarily handled our business and vendor relations and fought for us at the factory many times. He will be missed. Goodbye Marshall and thank you!

Most of all thank you, the backers for showing us your faith and continued support. The number of returning backers for Arcs was very high and we appreciate that.

The mood here is ecstatic! We are all going to go party for a bit now, pack up our office, and take some needed days off. Of course we will keep working on Arcs too. We will keep you posted as we continue our work.

Take care and stay safe,

Your friend,

Patrick Leder

The Final Weekend! Take a Peek at the Minis!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 12:40:53 AM

You Love to See it ... (Minis Preview)

Many of you have been asking for more information about the minis, so we've put together a full render of all of the minis you are getting. This shot includes everything but the 12 imperial ships (we're still working on that design). 

84-piece Miniatures Pack (12 Imperial Ships not shown. Design in process.)

In terms of quality, these will be similar to those seen in the second edition of Eclipse. The plastic will be harder than the plastic that was used for the Vast games, though it will still be a bit softer than something like ABS. All miniatures will also come with an ink wash to bring out the tiny details. 

Don’t miss this: Final Arcs Live Play!

We're kicking off the final 48 hours of the campaign with a live play! Brain in a Jar will host a 4-player Arcs game featuring Miguel (Johnny DeathHawk,) Sam (Lord of the Board,) and Joe (Phantom Meeple) this coming Sunday, Jun 12, 2022 1PM CDT

Arcs Live Play, Sunday June 12th at 1PM CDT! Find Brain__in_a_Jar on Twitch.

The Studio Live Play Campaign is Over!

Yesterday we capped the three-game arc with a final play. Who won? You'll have to watch the replay to find out! We've built a YouTube playlist with all three acts, so you can catch up on any action that you missed.

One More Bonus Design Stream

On Monday, Cole will be hosting a short design stream on our Twitch channel at 2pm CDT. He'll be talking through some of the alterations to Arcs that have continued behind the scenes and let folks know a little bit about the game's production and development schedule. Feel free to come with your questions. 

Questions and/or need Support?

Please email us at [email protected] for any questions or assistance. Please do not use the Kickstarter messaging system to contact us.

Arcs Studio Campaign Act 3, Tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 12:35:27 AM

Studio Campaign Series, Game 3 of 3!

Our Staff Live Play series wraps up with Act 3 tomorrow! 2PM CDT on Twitch!

If you need to catch up, watch the previous acts.

Arcs Campaign Live Stream Schedule

Did you miss the Arcs art live stream with Patrick and Kyle?

Watch the replay on Twitch, or on our YouTube channel.  

(Here's the link to the coloring sheets if you want to color along!)

Questions and/or need Support?

Please email us at [email protected] for any questions or assistance. Please do not use the Kickstarter messaging system to contact us.